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If you are under 18 there are still many things you can do to help your country

vote. Make sure your parents, relatives, and friends know that they can make a difference in your future by getting out and voting. 

Help them make a VOTE 5X5 group so that they can make even a bigger difference for everyone.  Show them the instructions on this website and let them know the difference they can make for you. 

Validate Your Volunteer Hours

Students and Club Members can get validated volunteer hours for working on STUDENTS 5X5 Projects because VOTE 5X5 is sponsored by Center for a Reasoning Society.  CFARS is a non-profit charity 501(c)(3) based in Colorado that promotes the advancement of reasoning in society.  Voting is a big part of societal reasoning, and the basis for a democracy.  

Look at the projects below and discuss these with your parent or guardian.

STUDENTS 5X5 Projects

  • Create artwork and infographics to share on the VOTE 5X5 website and social media.

  • Introduce VOTE 5X5 to your parents, relatives, and friends and encourage them to start their own VOTE 5X5 group. 

  • Write an essay on why it is important to vote.

Students under 18 who would like to participate and gain service hours, must first have their parent or guardian complete a participation consent form. 

Look forward to your participation and we'll be in touch soon! 

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